Can I lose Weight on the Costa Rican diet?

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Food, Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, FAQ's

Can I lose weight on the Costa Rican diet?

First off, please read the previous blog about FOOD in Costa Rica.

After years of drinking beer every afternoon and basically eating whatever I wanted, I woke up a few months back realizing I was overweight. I was never “The Fat Guy” and yet here I was; beer belly and all. I didn’t like it, but I had no idea how to change. My friends Dan and Michael, had both started an eating plan, called KETO, and had incredible success, so I reached out to them for advice. I decided I was going to get serious about changing my diet, lowering my carbs and sugar, and get myself back to the weight I needed to be. I was concerned that I would not be able to find the products that I needed within the Costa Rican diet, but I soon found out I was wrong. Everything I needed for KETO was here, and all the local restaurants were spectacular in allowing me to “special” order my meals. It was challenging, but worth every minute of it. I lost 23 pounds in 34 days, and I have never felt better. It is a wonderful feeling, when you run into people in public and the first thing they comment on is how thin I was.

“You look GREAT”

I have heard dozens of times, and it really gives you a rush of self-confidence. Much nicer than the comments I used to hear; “when is the baby due Mike?” I am not a health nut but any means. I have been kicking my own ass for 54 years. But I just wasn’t happy with what I had become, and wanted to get my mojo back. As my buddy David Lee always said, “it doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you look good doing it.”

results of the Costa Rican diet

All of a sudden, dozens of people are calling me and emailing me, asking for advice. What is your secret? I found myself spending a tremendous amount of time trying to help others understand how KETO works and how to do it with the foods available in the Costa Rican diet. So, I figured the least I could do, was to give a presentation and video it, so that others could learn from my success.  Here it is, I hope it makes a difference for you too. There are two Apps that you need to download into your phone.



In the last couple months, I have watched about 25 of my friends lose weight and get in better shape. One of my oldest friends John came to visit me from San Antonio Texas.  He went home determined to change his life, and lost over 20 pounds.  I didn’t plan on being a guru but it is nice to see so many people losing weight; but if you call me Richard Simmons, I’ll pop you in the mouth.

“How do you find the time to do all of this?” a buddy of mine asked.  You always have a client in your car; you are everywhere selling Tank Tops Flip Flops Shirts for charity; you rescue dogs left and right; and now you are teaching a KETO class?

When you enjoy what you do and it makes you happy, you want to help other people, and it isn’t work.  It is a huge reward seeing so many people whose lives are better because of coming to Costa Rica.  It is super fulfilling to help all these organizations in the community, and everyone knows my love for dogs.  And now, having people come up and hug me in a bar, thanking me; telling me they lost 10 or 20 pounds on the Costa Rican diet doing KETO is just unbelievable.

It seems that the older I get, the better my life has become.


Come on Down Baby!

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