Drum Roll Please – Cardella Challenge Raffle Winner – Casa Ventanas, Monte Paraiso, Costa Rica

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Charity, Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Newsletters, Playas del Coco

Drum Roll Please – Cardella Challenge Raffle Winner – Casa Ventanas, Monte Paraiso, Costa Rica

I want to start by thanking everyone who has donated to our FOOD DRIVES. Without your generosity, we could never do what we have been able to do. I also want to give a shout out to all the volunteers who come with TANK TOPS FLIP FLOPS every week to help us deliver these packages to so many families in need.  A very special thanks to Patas Y Manos, Food for Hermosa and Colors across Costa Rica for all their efforts as well to make sure our towns are cleaned and the people are fed.  Please continue to send donations and support.  But a HUGE round of applause to my good friends Tom and Rhonda Cardella who have helped raise over $45,000 with their Cardella Challenges. We appreciate everyone who participated and donated.  

For donations send them to PAYPAL or Zelle account:  michael@tanktopsflipflops.com.  No amount is too small.  Thank You.

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 167

Tom and I had to get together to pick the winning raffle ticket for the opportunity of a lifetime: One Week vacation in his stunning Casa Ventanas in Playa Hermosa.  So I thought it would great to bring Tom along on our food drive.  But before we loaded up all the vehicles for our trek out of town, Tom and I had to make a special stop first.

You see there are these 3 families that I have been supporting for a couple years; with food, clothes and Christmas gifts for the kids. If you think you have seen poverty in North America, you are rudely mistaken. Dirt Poor, pretty much sums it up for these 25 people.  So I packed KING KONG to the gills, with a couple weeks’ worth of food, and made a surprise visit to my friends. Wow, were they overwhelmed and ever so appreciative? Wait until you see the final drawing.  I think Tom was touched too. Enjoy the video and CONGRATULATIONS to the winner.  See you in paradise soon.

Huge Thanks to all that participated in the Raffle and Congratulations to Cory Smrecek.  Sorry I butchered your name but look on the bright side – You just won a week in one of the nicest spots on the planet.  See you down here soon.  I would love to buy you a beer.

Pura Vida,

Michael Simons

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