Get in While You Can

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Buying and Selling Property in Costa Rica, Investing in Costa Rica, Newsletters, Papagayo Region

Get in While You Can. 

The Papagayo Region of Guanacaste is reaching lift off velocity and you are about to be left behind.  Let’s be fair – We have been preaching to everyone who has shown a twinkle of an interest in buying property here that you need to get something before prices get out of reach and the selection becomes less attractive.  Let’s also be very clear.  There is still time for you to act – but we can’t keep the dogs at bay much longer for you.  You need to stop procrastinating and get your little slice of heaven now.  So far we have been lucky that Costa Rica has not allowed breakneck development and have held their ground by never allowing high rise beachfront developments, like Cancun, in our area.  This has actually made the rest of the non beach front property even more valuable. 

 So here we are with the perfect scenario for you to grab something before the big boys move in and drive prices up.  but don’t get comfortable because technically the big boys are already here and have started quietly and now with a slow crescendo are moving in and taking over.  

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 237 

Costa Rica FAQ Series – Financing, MLS and Working Remotely

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Buying and Selling Property in Costa Rica, Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Investing in Costa Rica, Newsletters

Video FAQ Series #1 – Financing, MLS and Working Remotely.

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter no. 225

Welcome to the first installment of our Costa Rica FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Series, where we dive into the nitty-gritty of real estate and property investment and as always – life in Costa Rica.

Video 1: Is there Financing in Costa Rica?

A question often asked, yet rarely answered comprehensively.  Yes, there is financing in Costa Rica, but very few foreigners I know have ever gone through the entire process.  First, it is very hard to get financing as a foreigner because they generally want to see income here in Costa Rica.  But many people have a lot of wealth and net worth and will qualify for the financing.  For lack of a better word is there are a lot of fees involved with the financing in Costa Rica.  Upfront fees to set up the mortgage (Points) and fees to release the mortgage later down the line.

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