Music for Coronavirus Aid

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Charity, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Newsletters, Papagayo Region, Playas del Coco

Music for Coronavirus Aid

Many of you have seen Fatiniza perform at one of the many live music venues in Playas del Coco and the Papagayo Region.  Unfortunately we are not able to enjoy live music for the moment and certainly live performers are one of the most hardest hit sectors of the economy.  Is spite of all that Fatiniza decided to write a song that would bring some happiness and joy to everyone and at the same time help out those in dire need during these trying times.  

We at Tank Tops Flip Flops have met Fatiniza and her team at various live music festivals and shows while doing our local charity work selling Tank Tops Flip Flops apparel.  So when she saw that we were doing coronavirus food drives for our local area she contacted us to see if she could help.  So the idea of releasing a new song and giving all the proceeds to coronavirus charities was born.  You will see the links to be able to purchase the song below.  Approximately 50% of the proceeds will be split between two local charities – Tank Tops Flip Flops and Junto por Guanacaste.  This will cover the area from Playas del Coco and surrounding communities to the Potrero and Brasilito areas.  So check out the song and please download it to help out.  69 cents!

EXPAT in Paradise – Tom Cardella – 66 Going on 19

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Charity, Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Investing in Costa Rica, Residency

EXPAT in Paradise – Tom Cardella – ‘66 Going on 19′

Win a 1 Week Stay at an Ocean View Home in Costa Rica for $100!!!

In response to the tremendous need to feed and provide basic supplies to unemployed tourism sector worker in the Papagayo area, Tom Cardella has generously offered to raffle off a 1 week stay at his stunning vacation rental home in beautiful Monte Paraiso, Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica.  So here is your chance to donate and at the same time have a chance to spend a week at a luxury ocean view home in Costa Rica.

It’s real simple – Tom is selling 100 raffle tickets for $100 each.  To purchase raffle tickets just deposit to PayPal or Zelle using  Please make sure you put CARDELLA RAFFLE when you make the payment.  Buy 1 or 10, whatever you can.  All the funds raised will be used to feed needy families in the area.  Check out this video explaining the Cardella Challenge – Casa Ventanas Raffle. 

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