Costa Rica is Truly Free!

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, Costa Rica Politics, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Guanacaste Tourism, Newsletters

Costa Rica is Truly Free!

In his first official act as President, Rodrigo Chaves eliminated the obligation to be vaccinated and the mandatory use of the mask. Also, the refusal to be vaccinated will no longer be grounds for dismissal in the public sector. Only front-line health care workers are required to be vaccinated and wear masks.

Costa Rica Elects a New President: Rodrigo Chaves Robles

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, Costa Rica Politics, Newsletters

Costa Rica Elected Rodrigo Chaves Robles as our new president on April 3, 2022 on a second round of voting after not having a majority winner in the first election round. President Elect Chaves ran on a campaign platform that promised to reduce government spending, increasing tax revenue by reducing tax evasion and attacking corruption. He is a political conservative and has focused on reducing unemployment and eliminating bureaucracy. Chavez is a 30-year veteran of the World Bank and a holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Ohio State University.

Rodrigo Chavez Robles - New President of Costa RicaWe think this is great news for our little corner of the world and we are 100% behind this new president. If he is able to make it easy for businesses to get permits and cut through red tape and succeeds at reducing some of the government bloat then it will be a success. We are looking forward to having a president that thinks about the fiscal health of the country first and not just tax and spend.

Rodrigo Alberto de Jesús Chaves Robles (born 10 June 1961) Chaves was previously Minister of Finance during the presidency of Carlos Alvarado Quesada.

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