Nobody circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills – Covid-19 Food Drive Sponsor – Wittlinger Family – Pacifico Condo L 311
When our caravan pulls up into these little towns, you can physically see the relief on people’s faces. As they go from car to car, picking up each individual product and putting it in their bag, the look in their eyes and the tone of their voice says it all. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I probably have the most rewarding job of anyone, as I get to hand out the dog and cat food. As each person approaches my truck, I ask them if they have any pets at home. I have seen tears well up so many times, I am unable to even count. When you cannot even feed your children, the last thing you do is feed your animals. The smile that I get, when I stuff 5 or 10 lbs. of grub into their hands, is worth more to me than the biggest commission check I have ever cashed. I asked this one woman, how many dogs do you have? She replied 22. Gulp. I thought I had an addiction with 13, but 22? Man. That is a lot of hungry animals. I told her to politely wait until the end, because she would literally clean me out and there would be nothing left for the other 100 people. After the drive ended, I found out where she lived and we returned later that afternoon with 4 massive bags of Dog Food and even a bag of cat food too, as she had a couple of those laying around as well. No animal left behind: I should be a politician.