Holiday Love – Toys for Tots SUCCESS

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Charity, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Newsletters

Holiday Love – Toys for Tots A HUGE SUCCESS!

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 233

Santa was in OVERDRIVE this year visiting all the kids that got a toy from the unbelivable wonderful success of the Toys for Tots program this year.  Thanks to everyone who gave a gift or donated so we could buy gifts in your name – as literally Thousands of of kids had a smile on their face a new toy in their hand for Christmas.  Imagine the joy of getting your first bicycle or sitting on Santas lap for the first time.  Believe it or not for many of these kids your gift was life changing to them.  

We were also able to put on dozens of Christmas parties all over the Papagayo region to spread some Holiday cheer and fill happy bellies.  We were even able to sponsor a Christmas party for a Senior citizen group.  It is so heartwarming to see everyone in our community pitch in to make everybodys holiday season just a little better.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart to those who gave of their time or their hard earned money to bring some joy to our area.  A special thanks to the Guanacaste Veterans Association for coordinating the delivery of Toys and arranging Christmas parties to all the outlying communities.

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and enjoy a Happy New Year.  PURA VIDA, Michael Simons.

Enjoy all the photos and videos of the gift purchasing process and all the happy faces of the kids with their gifts:

March 2025
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