The Passing of the Turtle

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Buying and Selling Property in Costa Rica, Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Guanacaste Tourism, Newsletters, Playa Hermosa

The Passing of the Turtle

Turtles. Everybody loves turtles. How can you not love a turtle? They are total studs and in Costa Rica, they are everywhere. It is almost guaranteed that if you go out on a sailboat, scuba dive or a fishing trip, you will spot a couple of them; many times, making love. It seems like every time I see a Tortuga, there is a second one underneath, and they are getting after it: like rabbits. All this romance means there are a ton of baby hatchlings. One of the more popular tours is to go and see them lay their eggs or watch them as they emerge. What an incredible site it is, to see hundreds, sometimes thousands, of baby turtles racing across the sand, trying to make it to the sea. Only a small percentage of them will survive and grow to adulthood, as there are so many natural predators, and unfortunately, mankind as well.

There are 4 types of turtles in the land of Pura Vida, and they are all endangered species as they fall victim to poaching for their meat, shells, and eggs.

Olive Ridley Sea Turtle resides only on the Pacific side of Costa Rica. They can grow up to two feet in length and weigh up to 100 lbs. They are one of the most common turtles, and their favorite meal is jellyfish.

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Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Guanacaste Tourism, Newsletters, Vacation in Costa Rica

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The last three months have been absolutely nuts. I literally have not had time off since Christmas. It seems everyone wants out of the rat race and are flooding to Costa Rica. I mean who could blame them? Who wants to be up there, in that madness, when you can be down here in paradise? I have had so many clients in my car, it is insane. Somedays, I am juggling two and even three couples; dropping off one, just to race across town to pick up another. If you were watching our websites, you would see everything going UNDER CONTRACT. Between COVID and lockdowns: monster storms with freezing cold weather (hell San Antonio got snowed in): escalating violence and rising stress levels; Cancel culture and the corrupt media; everyone is fed up. Throw in the politics, and you have a negativity stew that is just brewing over. People are flocking to the land of Pura Vida.

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