Halloween 2019 Playas del Coco Costa Rica

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Guanacaste Tourism, Newsletters, Vacation in Costa Rica

Halloween 2019 Playas del Coco Costa Rica

When you think of Halloween in a beach town you automatically think about a bunch of Facebook pictures of drunk adults going all out on their costumes, trying to outdo their friends for the best looking goblin, ghoul or ghost.  Well our little slice of paradise in Playas del Coco is no different – We adults go ALL OUT.

But of course Halloween is really all about kids having fun with their families.  You would be surprised how many kids there are in our area that celebrate Halloween.  This year literally 100’s of kids and their families turned out for the 2nd Annual COCO CANDY CRAWL.  Many thanks to Madison O’Bryan for arranging such a successful event.  Instead of going home to home Trick or Treating like you did as a kid, Madison had the great idea to recruit all the local businesses along the main street in Playas del Coco to give out candy to all the costumed kids (and some adults too!) who came and asked nicely.  Since most of the local business owners have kids and if not they  certainly couldn’t resist welcoming hundreds of Trick or Treaters to their door, the event has become a resounding success.  It works out perfect as all the candy stops are very close to each other and in open, public areas.


Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Guanacaste Tourism, Newsletters, Vacation in Costa Rica


Tales of the Fountain of Youth have been recounted across the world for thousands of years. It first appeared in writings by Herodotus in the 5th century BC; then again in the 3rd century AD in the Alexander Romance, an account of Alexander the Great. It can be found in the Prester John stories of the early Crusades of the 11th and 12th centuries AD; and was very prominent among the indigenous people of the Caribbean during the early 16th century, who spoke of the magical powers of the water in the mythical land of Bimini. The famous Ponce de Leon, the first Governor of Puerto Rico, traveled to Florida in 1513 specifically to locate and claim it, as legend says it could restore youth to anyone. Unfortunately, he was mortally wounded by an Indian arrow before any discovery could be made, and the mystical baths were never located or revealed. So, you just knew, that on my birthday, as Father Time continues to chase me, I would be the one who finds it, beating hundreds of Explorers to the prize.

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