Costa Rica Renewable Energy Solutions with Glen Nickerson

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Building in Costa Rica, Costa Rica Living, Costa Rica Service Providers, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Newsletters

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 134

Costa Rica Renewable Energy Solutions–Solaris Energia Renovable–EXPATS in Paradise with Glen Nickerson

Costa Rica renewable energy expert Glen Nickerson

Glen Nickerson originally set up shop in Costa Rica in the Central Valley in 2006.  As he got to know the country and start expanding his business he soon found out that it was much better to live and do business at the beach areas.  He fell in love with the Playa Hermosa, Guanacaste area and bought a nice condo within walking distance to the beach.  He has continuously looked at ways that he could bring in his engineering know how into a practical energy saving business in Costa Rica.  We are glad he and his wife are members of the community and look forward to see their business grow.  Congratulations Glen on being another successful EXPAT in paradise.  We had Glen replace all the light bulbs in our Tres Amigos Realty Group office with energy efficient LED bulbs and we have seen a huge savings on our monthly electric bill.  Thanks again Glen!

Ocean Fest 2019

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Charity, Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Newsletters, Papagayo Region, Scuba Diving

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 133

Ocean Fest 2019

The first annual Ocean Fest was held at Hotel La Puerta del Sol in Playas del Coco capping off a week of activities surrounding World Ocean Day.  Rich Coast Diving and Tank Tops Flip Flops combined to host the event along with the Garden Bar and of course the team from Hotel La Puerta del Sol.

Hundreds of people attended and there was live music by Kaye Latina, an ocean attire themed fashion show hosted by Rich Coast Diving, a live painting show by Carlos Hiller and of course Tank Tops Flip Flops produced some beautiful one of a kind Ocean Fest T-shirts – with all the proceeds going to charity.

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