Tropical Storm Nate

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Newsletters

Tropical Storm Nate

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition 108

Tropical Storm Nate Hits Costa Rica

We have had many emails, calls and Facebook posts from everyone who wants to know how we are and if there is any way they can help.  First of all – The Sun is out and we are all safe and well with very minor issues that are being dealt with as we speak.

There was an extreme amount of rain along with some wind gusts that caused flooding and uprooting of trees and branches.  As you may imagine the poorest sector of the population was most affected as many of their homes were built in low lying areas prone to flooding.  Thankfully only a handful of lives were lost in the entire country due to Tropical Storm Nate.

Here are some photos of the flooding around the area.  Below you will find links for where to donate.

It’s a dog’s Life

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, Costa Rica Service Providers, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Newsletters

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 107

It’s a dog’s Life in Costa Rica.  

Many years ago, when I lived in California, I had a Black Labrador. What an incredible animal. She was with me every day, and went everywhere: from my office, to the beach. I owned a boat, and used to spend my weekends racing across Lake Havasu Arizona like a madman. She would stand on the front of the bow, life preserver on, barking constantly at the passing vessels. She could smell water, miles before we got there, and would stay in the lake swimming the entire day. If she saw a sprinkler, she would roll in the puddle; when I bought a house with a pool, she would be in it morning till night; when we went to the beach, she was out of control; this dog loved to be wet. She could play Frisbee catch for HOURS and never tire, and was a watchful eye in my stereo store years later in Texas, guarding the shelves, motivating the sales crew. I even took her on some dates. I had decided to name my dog Chief, before I found her, assuming I would have a male. But as always happens in my life, my dogs find me. She was the only one in the pack of puppies, who refused to take her eye off her future dad. “You and me; we’re outta here!” So I changed her name to Lady Chief Beaver; cut me some slack; I was 23 years old; if you knew me then; you would understand LOL.

It's a dogs life in Costa Rica

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