Taste of Papagayo 2018 – Hotel La Puerta del Sol and Garden Bar

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Food, Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Newsletters, Papagayo Region, Playa Hermosa, Playa Ocotal, Playa Panama, Playas del Coco

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 118

Taste of Papagayo 2018 – Hotel La Puerta del Sol and Garden Bar

First of all we want to apologize for not posting more newsletters lately but in all honesty we are busy selling real estate and so often these things get pushed down the priority list.  Tank Tops Flip Flops has also been actively on the ground doing community fundraising events through our Custom one off design T Shirt sales that, with the help of all of you, have raised a tremendous amount of money for our small but tight knit community we call the Papagayo.  Check out our Tank Tops Flip Flops Facebook Page to see the various community events that we have gotten behind and that you can be a part of in the future.

Taste of Papagayo 2018

One of the projects we were recently involved with was the Taste of Papagayo 2018.  If you did not attend it was a wildly successful food tasting festival with 18 different Papagayo Area Restaurants, 3 live bands and a whole lot of good fun.  The event was hosted at Hotel La Puerta del Sol and The Garden Bar and organized by Devon Pickering and Michele Simmons.  Tank Tops and Flip Flops created unique T Shirts just for the event of which part of the proceeds went towards supporting the Coco Community Project.

Tank Tops Flips Flops: The Story and The Big Picture

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Newsletters, Papagayo Region

tank tops flip flops

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter Edition no. 116

Tank Tops Flip Flops: The Story and The Big Picture – Giving Back in Paradise

Tank Tops Flip Flops is a lifestyle; it is an attitude; it is a peace of mind. It is about FINALLY leaving the Rat Race and moving to paradise. It is about having a dream, setting a goal and never quitting on it. TTFF is about waking up every day, with a smile on your face, knowing that you made it; and there is no better place to celebrate this mentality than in Costa Rica. Those of us that had the guts to make this life a reality, are examples that it CAN be done. I cannot begin to tell you; how many people have said to us; “you guys are the only reason I haven’t given up. If you can do it; so, can I.” We give hope to all those people out there, suffering through their miserable lives, knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Trust me: Do whatever you have to do to get here, because it is even better than we tell you. Every day is 90 degrees. Every dawn there is that smell of freshness that you cannot replace anywhere else in the world. Every evening is that amazing sunset that is always post card perfect. The people here are incredible; the landscape is majestic; the beaches are extraordinary; life here is outstanding. That is Tank Tops Flip Flops baby!!!!

Check out this preview video where I talk about the current Tank Tops Flip Flops Charity project we are working on.  The full video from start to finish is at the very end of the Newsletter.

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