Message from Salve Monos (Save the Monkeys)

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Charity, Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Newsletters, Playa Hermosa

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter Edition no. 132

We felt it was important to pass on some information given to us by Karol Allard of Salve Monos in Playa Hermosa (Save the Monkeys) to everyone that might help save some monkey habitat and make it safer for them to live.  This is an article that was first published by the Nosara Refuge for Wildlife but it applies the same to our area.  Check out Salve Monos on their facebook page at or send them an email at  They really do a lot of work for the Monkeys and they always welcome volunteers and/or financial help.

Help Us Save Wildlife by Preserving Habitat & Reducing Deforestation

Wildlife, especially monkeys, use the trees to travel to and from feeding grounds. If even one tree is cut along their route, the natural tree bridge will be lost and the monkeys will be forced to find another way. This often means traveling along dangerous power lines and transformers or risking attacks from dogs or being hit by cars on the ground.

Pay attention to which trees are beneficial to wildlife and be mindful of cutting these important trees.

If you’re thinking about clearing your lot before selling or building, keep as many trees and plants as possible. Get an assessment of the types of trees on your property and leave mature trees and important food resources for wildlife.

Be careful where you plant new trees on your property. Planting a delicious papaya tree right under an uninsulated transformer or cable is sure to end in dozens of monkey deaths. If you’re planting trees that benefit wildlife, make sure they are away from power lines and transformers and in an area where they will not be harassed by domestic pets. Monkeys need a natural tree route that leads to these tasty trees otherwise they will risk their lives traveling on the ground or across wires. If you are reforesting a cleared area of land, plant fast-growing native trees and plants (not exotic, foreign species) that will provide shade, benefit wildlife and attract exotic birds and butterflies.

When designing your dream home, consider using an architect that will keep existing trees and habitat for animals. Moving your plans a few feet might save a 100 year old tree that provides essential food resources and habitat. Hire project managers and construction firms that care about wildlife and the environment. Many mature trees can be saved by simply instructing your crew to work around them.  Consider adding wildlife bridges for Monkeys and other animals.

Reprinted with permission from Refuge for Wildlife, Nosara, Costa Rica


Playa Hermosa Community Clean Up 2019

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Charity, Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Newsletters, Papagayo Region, Playa Hermosa

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 128

Playa Hermosa Community Clean Up 2019

We are sending this note out to everyone to encourage you to participate in some way in the Playa Hermosa Community Clean Up events this Monday, April 22nd, 2019.  This day – April 22nd – is significant for two reasons.  For one it is Earth Day so it is very appropriate to make an effort to clean up our community and beach.  And coincidentally it is just after Semana Santa (Easter Week) when the entire country comes to the beach and unfortunately leave a lot of trash behind.

The first event is the actual Community Clean Up.  Meet in front of the Hermosa Heights Fountain at 6:00 AM Monday morning for the Street Clean Up or meet on the Beach at the end of the 2nd Beach Entrance at 7:00 AM for the Beach Clean Up.  Everything will be provided for you – Gloves, Bags and Water.  Just come ready to work and bring a refillable water bottle to keep rehydrated. 

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