Toys for Tots SUCCESS!

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Charity, Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Newsletters, Tres Amigos Realty Group

Toys for Toys 2021 was a resounding Success!

We want to send out a huge Thank You to all who donated to the Toys for Toys program this year, along with those who purchased Tank Tops Flip Flops Charity T Shirts, so we could throw some massive Christmas parties for our local kids. 

First of all – We received hundreds of toys dropped off at our Tres Amigos Realty offices. THANK YOU.

In addition – We received almost $15,000 in donations.  Tres Amigos Realty Group matched dollar for dollar those donations.  So we had a whopping total of $30,000 which was used to purchased THOUSANDS of toys.  Thanks for all the donations and Thank You to the TEAM at Tres Amigos Realty Group for working so hard for your clients this past year, allowing us to make such a generous matching donation.

Another $4,000 was raised in T shirt sales for the school parties. Tank Tops Flip Flops matched that total so $8,000 was used to to throw Christmas parties for HUNDREDS of children in our area.

It is hard to put into words the amount of gratitude we have for all the donors and volunteers who made this Christmas season so special for so many children in our area. Thank you for your continued support.

A huge Thank You goes out to the Guanacaste Veterans Association, Patas Y Manos, CARE, the Hope Fellowship Church and so many other dedicated people who stepped up to make this a wonderful Christmas for so many in need.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Below are photos of purchasing all the gifts, giving them away as well as some photos of the parties we helped throw.  But best of all you can see the looks of happiness on the kids faces.  Thanks to all.


Michael Simons        Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 208

How to Move to Costa Rica

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in EX PATS in Costa Rica, Investing in Costa Rica, Newsletters, Tres Amigos Realty Group

Everybody wants to know how to move to  Costa Rica.  It’s amazing.  As soon as they find out I sell real estate in Guanacaste, we are off on a 30 minute conversation.  Costa Rica has such an incredible amount of momentum right now, and so much positive press, that everyone wants to figure out a way to leave the rat race and move to this gorgeous paradise.Some friends that moved to Costa Rica  But truthfully sometimes I just want to be left alone. 

I was on a plane the other day going to Miami.  I know you will make fun of me but I actually used to fly to Boca Raton every 2 or 3 months so I can get my hair cut from the greatest stylist on the planet, Paul Ferraro.  Heh you don’t stay this good looking with out working at it.  The woman that sat next to me was one of those talkative types, and I just wasn’t in the mood to chat.  I knew from previous experiences that the moment I mentioned Costa Rica she wouldn’t leave me alone, and I was really enjoying a good book.  She asked me right away, “What do you do?”  I make movies I told her.  “Really?  That sounds interesting.  What kind of movies do you make?”  I slowly looked up from the page, smiled and gave her a seductive wink.  “OH!”  She stopped breathing momentarily and then slunk back into her seat, but not before glancing at my crotch.  I was actually going to tell Slogan about moving to Costa Ricaher I made children’s educational films, but her imagination took over before I could finish.  Who am I to ruin a good rumor?  She never said another word to me again and it was the most peaceful flight I have ever had.  I finished the book and actually got a little bit of a nap.

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