Robinhood in Costa Rica – Toys for Tots Success!

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Charity, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Newsletters, Papagayo Region, Uncategorized

A modern day Robinhood emerged this Christmas right here in the Papagayo region of Costa Rica.  And in many ways we all became Robinhood this year.  The areas most successful and hardworking group of people set aside their personal goals and came through big time for the kids of our area with the most successful Toys for Tots program so far. 

Our good friend and home builder Tom Terry coined the phrase “I build for the Rich and Give to the Poor”  Tom is part Robinhood and also the areas best Luxury home builder.  If you want Tom to continue his dual role then check out what he does at his day job here.  Tom rolled up to my annual party with a truck full of 80 brand new bikes of all sizes and colors.

A special thanks to the Guanacaste Veterans Association for coordinating the delivery of Toys and arranging Christmas parties to all the outlying communities.

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 242 

We had a huge amount of toys donated at our Tres Amigos offices, brought to Michael Simons annual party, and other points of collection.  We had anonymous donors give out huge sums of money with one philanthropical soul donating $10,000 to buy new toys. We purchased almost the entire toys section in 2 of the largest stores in Liberia and came back to the beach with a large cargo truck completely full.  It was just short of a miracle the amount of support and love given out to this cause.

March 2025
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