What is the Costa Rica dress code?

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, FAQ's, Vacation in Costa Rica

What is the Costa Rica dress code?


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That is our dress code.

Costa Rica dress code is tank tops and flip flops

Literally, you can go anywhere in this town, in shorts and T shirts. I work every day, in a pair of Tommy Bahama shorts and Polo Shirt, with a pair of Flip Flops. I could go to a wedding or a funeral dressed like that, and no one would be offended. As a matter of fact, they would probably be dressed the same way.

But the nice thing is, you can also get dressed up, and you would still fit right in. Whatever floats your boat, as they say. That’s the Costa Rica dress code.

The only exception to this, is if you visit one of the resorts and eat in their fine dining restaurants; like the Four Seasons or the Mangroove Marriott. You don’t need a coat and tie by any means, but they would probably not let you in wearing a Tank Top.

Come on down baby!

See you soon.

Michael Simons

Costa Rica Tainted Alcohol–Setting the Record Straight

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, Guanacaste Tourism, Newsletters, Vacation in Costa Rica

The recent reports about Costa Rica tainted alcohol make me think of the Guns N’ Roses song “Night Train”.  Every time I hear Guns N’ Roses, I get fired up. They wrote some incredible songs that will last forever. One of the most popular drinking songs was called Night Train, named after the cheap wine Night Train Express. “Loaded like a Freight Train; Flyin’ like an Aeroplane”; Classic Rock N Roll about rotgut booze. Unfortunately, Costa Rica had its own version of this recently, and it did not end well.

Two weeks ago, 19 people died drinking Costa Rica tainted alcohol that was contaminated with the chemical methanol.  With the recent deaths of USA citizens in the Dominican Republic, as well as Mexico, the media was quick to jump all over this story, and capitalize on the fear. As happens a lot in the media, they got it wrong. They said that tourists had died, and one news outlet even went on record and called Costa Rica “A Caribbean Island.” Anyone who has access to Google Maps, knows that we are not an island and we are not in the Caribbean. We are a Central American country, and not one tourist died. I am here to set the record straight.

Costa Rica tainted alcohol

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