What’s Going on around Playas del Coco?

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, FAQ's, Guanacaste Tourism, Playa Hermosa, Playas del Coco, Vacation in Costa Rica

What's going on in Playas del Coco

What’s Going on around Playas del Coco?

So you want to know what’s going on around Playas del Coco but don’t know where to find information?  You are worried about not having enough to do while you are here?  Well here are a few resources to get you started.

What's going on in Playas del Coco

I NEVER get bored. There are so many activities and TONS of live music, Karaoke, open mic and more. This is a great site to get current and up to date info.

experiencecoco.com Calendar

Also, there are Facebook group pages that you can join.

Coco Chit Chat

Coco Hermosa Beach Buzz

And a garage sale page too where locals buy and sell items.

Coco Hermosa Garage Sale

You can also check out our detailed Papagayo Area Restaurant Guide here

Enjoy Paradise!!!!

Harley Davidson Tours Costa Rica

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, Costa Rica Service Providers, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Guanacaste Tourism, Newsletters, Playas del Coco, Vacation in Costa Rica

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 114

Harley Davidson Tours Costa Rica

So you want to feel the roar of your hog underneath you while touring beautiful Costa Rica?  But you’re thinking it might be really difficult to bring your bike down just for a vacation.  Or maybe you’re not sure how to navigate Costa Rica’s particular road system without street signs that you are used to in other parts of the world?

Harley Davidson Tours Costa Rica

Well now there is an option for you Harley fanatics.  You can take a guided tour with Devils Paradise Harley Davidson Tours.  These guys are the real deal and will treat you to a ride you will never forget.

Some people have commented that maybe the Costa Rican’s don’t want a bunch of Gringos riding around their country and disturbing the peace a quiet of the beautiful countryside.  Well what we found out is that there is a huge amount of local Tico Harley owners that far outnumbers the small amount of Gringos that tour around the country in Harley’s.

Also, in less you have never been to Costa Rica or any other Latin American country for that matter, noise pollution is way down on the list of worries.  So come on down and ride a hog in paradise, the locals don’t mind and you will have a blast.

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