Costa Rica or New York?

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, Costa Rica Medical Care, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Investing in Costa Rica, Newsletters

Costa Rica or New York?

We came across an extremely well done and informative video that shows the very different Covid-19 responses between New York City and Costa Rica.  As you will see – As of now – Costa Rica has had far more success than New York in keeping the number of people out of hospitals and more importantly keep the number of deaths down.

The author of the video is José Cayasso (commonly known as Caya).  Caya is a Costa Rican graphics designer and entrepreneur as well as the CEO of Slidebean.  He has deep roots in both Costa Rica and New York and now lives in Costa Rica full time.

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 152

In November 2012 Caya was selected as a one of the 40 Under 40 Costa Rican innovators by El Financiero Newspaper; and was also named an Innovation Champion by the Costa Rican Ministry of Science and Technology.  Caya was also invited to speak at the 2013 TEDx Joven PuraVida Conference in Costa Rica.

In 2013, Caya founded Slidebean, a simplified, cloud-based presentation tool.  Slidebean has been featured in Techcrunch, TheNextWeb and The Economist, as the third most valuable internet startup in Costa Rica.  Slidebean has over 50 employees with offices in both Costa Rica and New York.

Needless to say, Caya has firsthand knowledge that gives him an unbiased base from which to talk about how the response was handled in these two very different places.  Costa Rica and New York. 

We also thought it was useful to see that you can be a successful entrepreneur in Costa Rica and still service clients and customers worldwide.  Caya decided to move to Costa Rica even though he has a very successful business that allows him to live and work from anywhere in the world.

Just to be clear – Our hearts go out to all the New Yorkers and to anyone around the world who is suffering from the effects of this pandemic.  We just want to give some hope and show how proud we are of our little country Costa Rica. 

It is easy to say in good times that Costa Rica is the best place on earth to live and visit but it is in the hard times when all of the grandiose claims are tested and we find out if what we have been saying all along is really true.  PURA VIDA!


Enjoy the Video.

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