Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, FAQ's

Here is a compilation of blog posts and content about expats in Costa Rica with links to each story:

Expats in Costa Rica

EX PAT LIFE IN COSTA RICA PART 2 – Bette and Dawson Grove  www.tanktopsflipflops.com/ex-pat-life-costa-rica

EX PAT LIFE IN COSTA RICA PART 1 – Chad Lytle and Teresa McCullough  www.tanktopsflipflops.com/expatriate-life-costa-rica-part

A Day in the Life – Costa Rica Video – Daryl and Cheryl Bohonos  http://youtu.be/ZJr_a8j238E

The Story of Ginger Restaurant and Sailing around the world with Anne Hegney https://www.tanktopsflipflops.com/story-ginger-restaurant-sailing-around-world-almost/

expats in costa rica at Ginger Martini Night

Opening a Scuba Diving Shop and PADI Instructor Center in Costa Rica with Martin and Brenda https://www.tanktopsflipflops.com/scuba-diving-costa-rica/

expats in Costa Rica diving with Golden Rays

Relax you are in Paradise Part 1 – The story of the Clermont Gagne and his Home Maintenance and Remodeling Company Colibri Multiservicios www.tanktopsflipflops.com/relax-paradise-part-1/

Relax you are in Paradise Part 2 – Mike Brussock and his wife have created a Building and Decorating powerhouse from scratch called Adobe Construction www.tanktopsflipflops.com/costa-rica-house-builder-mike-brussock/

Relax you are in Paradise Part 3 – Tom Terry of ConstrucTom is a custom home builder who has been around the longest and can and has built anything your architect can dream up www.tanktopsflipflops.com/costa-rica-custom-home-builder/ 

Relax you are in Paradise Part 4 – Building an Interior Decorating company in Costa Rica and loving every minute of it all the while helping other Expats in Costa Rica make their dreams come true with Sandrine Aquart.

Relax you are in Paradise Part 5 – Budget Home Builder Jean-Pierre LaMarche of Blue Sea Construction will build you a nice quality home that fits within your budget www.tanktopsflipflops.com/costa-rica-budget-home-builder/

Relax you are in Paradise Part 6 – Costa Rica Project Development and Construction Team with Corbin and Tatiana Vandruff.  Learn how they made the big decision to leave successful business and come to Costa Rica with their young children in 1994.

Their Costa Rica dream started in the 5th Grade – Stuart and Katie Saunders www.tanktopsflipflops.com/costa-rica-dream-started-5th-grade/

Save the Monkeys Foundation in Playa Hermosa with Karol Allard and Michael Cushman  www.tanktopsflipflops.com/save-monkeys-salve-monos/

A video compilation of expats in Costa Rica   http://youtu.be/w_6jvqIP82c 

Having a Baby in Costa Rica with Chris and Krista Broschek  www.tanktopsflipflops.com/having-a-baby-in-costa-rica/


The biggest yearly congregation of EXPATS in Costa Rica (and locals too) https://www.tanktopsflipflops.com/michael-simons-party-2013/ 

Thanks to Ed Dale a big-hearted EXPAT, one local school had a great big Christmas bash complete with and appearence from Santa Claus https://www.tanktopsflipflops.com/santa-claus-comes-to-town/ 

If you are a fishing junkie than you will definitively want to meet Danny Crosby.  Here is his story of how he came to Costa Rica and now has three Sport Fishing Boats and loves to go to work every day even though he is retired.  https://www.tanktopsflipflops.com/deep-sea-fishing-costa-rica/

expats in costa rica fishing for big game fish

Rob Gunselman just wants to go out fishing and he wants you to come with him.  He does not have his own boat but he knows all the guys that do and can help you get on a boat without paying an arm and a leg https://www.tanktopsflipflops.com/costa-rica-sport-fishing/

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