Heart Break Station

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Newsletters

Tank Tops Flips Flops Newsletter edition no. 117

Heart Break Station

With profound sadness I have to inform you, that the princess Millie Dolores has passed away. I have had a lot of dogs, and loved them all, and have also known and loved many beautiful people, but nothing has ever come close to capturing my adoration like the Milster Bear. She was a true angel, sent here to guide my life, and I am going to miss her with every ounce of my soul. She has touched so many people’s lives, and brought so much joy to them, it is beyond description. She had the biggest heart you could ever imagine, and in the end, it just ran out of ticks.

She lived an incredible 14 years, and was the same enthusiastic, little, snuggle butt, right up until the very last breath, surrounded by her family. I will miss my little Gordita. I know you are in a beautiful place right now, surrounded by old friends. I love you my little girl. I will see you again someday. Go to the light. RIP Millie Dolores.

Thank you Sharine Alice for being so loving and always taking care of my best friend, and to be there at the very end to comfort her and give her strength.

And to all my friends who have reached out to me these past few days; I truly appreciate the love and support.


This station is closed for repairs and renovations until further notice.


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