Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Charity, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Newsletters, Papagayo Region


As many of you know we are constantly working with our community leaders to help out in any way we can.  Anita Ortiz is one of those community leaders who dedicates a good  portion of her time to provide support and help to the less fortunate.  Anita is an active member of the Hope Fellowship Church in Playas del Coco.  Hope Fellowship has a number of outreach programs that have been extremely effective in the past.  When Covid hit the focus turned entirely to getting food on the tables of those who were out of work.


Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 218

For some of us fortunate enough things have returned to normal but many in the margins are still struggling and their is still massive unemployment in Guanacaste.  Anita approached us to see how we could help with the reactivation of the outreach programs.  The highest priority program is “Seeds of Hope”.  Seeds of hope is a project that provides meals to 60 and up to 100 kids on the weekends at each of five feeding stations centered around critical need areas.  On a select case by case basis bags of food are distributed to mostly needy single moms and the elderly.

Children in Costa Rica get at least one meal a day at school. But Saturdays and Sundays are tough days for the less fortunate and that is the gap the Seeds of Hope program is trying to fill to give kids at least one good meal per day on the weekends.

So here is the perfect chance for you to help out.  The cost to run the five feeding centers is from $1,000 to $1,200 per month.  Currently the program is unable to keep up with the cost to run these five feeding centers so they are in dire need of donations.  If you have the ability to give a one time donation that would help immensely and it would be even better if you could do a monthly donation to give some stability to the program.  There are various ways you can give.

We can vouch 100% for Hope Fellowship, Anita and all the volunteers of these programs and the work that they are doing.  We have seen first hand that these programs are verified to only help the most at risk groups.  The goal is to first provide stable funding for the Seeds for Hope project and if all goes well, and additional funds are raised, then the other outreach programs that Hope Fellowship has done in the past will be reactivated.

Please watch this video where Anita Ortiz explains how the Seeds of Hope project works and touches on the other outreach programs that Hope Fellowship provides.


Have a look at their website for details on some of their other outreach programs and activities

I am personally asking you to join me in donating to this organization.  

If it is easier you can just send donations directly to my Zelle or Pay Pal account: Please put HOPE FELLOWSHIP on the description of the payment.  

You can donate directly to Hope Fellowship in Costa Rica via their webpage

You can also donate through a partnership that Hope Fellowship has with New Horizons Foundation that allows you – the donor – to receive a tax deduction in the US and have 100% of the donation go to Hope Fellowship.  You can even set up a monthly donation conveniently with your credit card.  To donate via New Horizons go to this link:

I want to personally thank everyone who donates and especially to the volunteers on the Seeds of Hope project and the other outreach projects at Hope Fellowship.  Without you there would be no programs.  THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS!

Michael Simons

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