Playa Hermosa Community Clean Up 2019

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Charity, Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Newsletters, Papagayo Region, Playa Hermosa

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 128

Playa Hermosa Community Clean Up 2019

We are sending this note out to everyone to encourage you to participate in some way in the Playa Hermosa Community Clean Up events this Monday, April 22nd, 2019.  This day – April 22nd – is significant for two reasons.  For one it is Earth Day so it is very appropriate to make an effort to clean up our community and beach.  And coincidentally it is just after Semana Santa (Easter Week) when the entire country comes to the beach and unfortunately leave a lot of trash behind.

The first event is the actual Community Clean Up.  Meet in front of the Hermosa Heights Fountain at 6:00 AM Monday morning for the Street Clean Up or meet on the Beach at the end of the 2nd Beach Entrance at 7:00 AM for the Beach Clean Up.  Everything will be provided for you – Gloves, Bags and Water.  Just come ready to work and bring a refillable water bottle to keep rehydrated. 

The Second Event is of course the PARTY.  Come to Aqua Sport from 4:30 to 7:00 PM and enjoy some tasty Appetizers and Music and learn all about the Recycle Hermosa Program.  There will be a Raffle with all sorts of goodies benefiting Recycle Hermosa.  There will be items for purchase as well as live Yoga.  So come and join the fun.  There is a $20 entrance fee/donation.  See you all there!

Recycle Hermosa was created  to reduce trash in Hermosa by 60% through responsible recycling solutions, local education, and participation by all.  They also work closely with Condovac La Costa to make sure Playa Hermosa maintains the extremely important Bandera Azul designation.  If you want to check out what Recycle Hermosa does, who they are and how you can get involved go to there website here or their Facebook page

recycle hermosa

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