Retire in Costa Rica?

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica

Now more than ever the reasons to Retire in Costa Rica are getting better and better.  One of our agents was featured in a Huffington Post Article called ‘Why This Place South Of The Border May Be The World’s Best Retirement Spot’ written by Abby Tegnelia.  The author has personal experience with living in Costa Rica and knows personally the expats about whom she writes.

What might interest you is that most people who retire in Costa Rica don’t really retire.  They usually start a small business, get full into a hobby they always dreamed of or developed a latent talent that was just lying in wait to come out.  All the ex-pats that live here and have made the transition will tell you that it is not really about retiring and more about changing your life for the better.

Retire in Costa Rica

Another thought-provoking article that is quite fun and actually makes a whole lot of sense if you apply it to your personal situation is ‘The Parable of The Costa Rican Fisherman And The Banker’ posted by our friend Joe Orman.  So take stock of your situation and stop procrastinating and retire to Costa Rica before it is too late to enjoy your self.

Playa Hermosa from El Velero resize

If you are a sailor you are familiar with all the fancy gear and equipment that is required to outfit your boat and make it the coolest looking yacht in the marina.  To those sailors who never leave the dock but continuously tinker with their boats and only dream of sailing to far away lands, we offer this saying from the Thoreau approach to Sailing.  It won’t take much to apply it to your personal situation.

‘What is the best sail for your boat?’

‘The one you have!!!!!’

So what are you waiting for???

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