The Big Goose Egg – Costa Rica, Guanacaste Covid-19 Update
The Big Goose Egg
COVID-19 update Costa Rica, Guanacaste.
The most pathetic word in the English language is Zero. It means you accomplished nothing. As a sales guy, that is the worst word known to mankind. It means I didn’t sell anything. I made no money. I suck. I failed. Zero is not a word I have ever experienced. I have been selling my entire life, and I have always been at the top of the heap. Even when I sold pots and pans, door to door in 1984, I closed 4 times as many units as the average sales person across the country. And I have been very blessed to be as successful as I have, in the real estate industry in Costa Rica. Well my attitude has changed. Zero is now my new favorite number.