The Big Goose Egg – Costa Rica, Guanacaste Covid-19 Update

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, Guanacaste Tourism, Newsletters

The Big Goose Egg

COVID-19 update Costa Rica, Guanacaste.

The most pathetic word in the English language is Zero. It means you accomplished nothing. As a sales guy, that is the worst word known to mankind. It means I didn’t sell anything. I made no money. I suck. I failed. Zero is not a word I have ever experienced. I have been selling my entire life, and I have always been at the top of the heap. Even when I sold pots and pans, door to door in 1984, I closed 4 times as many units as the average sales person across the country. And I have been very blessed to be as successful as I have, in the real estate industry in Costa Rica. Well my attitude has changed. Zero is now my new favorite number.

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 154

There have been ZERO new cases of COVID-19 in Guanacaste, since April 3 2020. That’s right. ZERO. NUNCA. NADA. ZIP. We only had a total of 13 cases, and ALL of them have recovered, and there has not been one single new case, in almost a month. CERO. NOTHING, NAUGHT, NIL. The most important statistic of all; we have not had one single death in Guanacaste, due to the virus. NONE. NULL. ZILCH. THE BIG 0. That means for the last 4 weeks we have been pitching a shutout; a no hitter; a perfect game.

Costa Rica will be the poster child for how to handle a Pandemic when this is over. There are just a little over 400 active cases throughout the entire country, and we are only getting a couple new cases a day. There have only been 6 deaths. Our curve chart is astounding!

As of May 1st the government has made some changes to begin to open up the economy.  From 5AM to 7PM The following can happen:

– Theaters and Cinema can open. (except Teatro Nacional)
Mandatory electronic reservations, and guests must sit a 2 meters apart min.

– Gyms, Swim schools and no-contact sports can open at 25% of their capacity.

– Bicycle rentals are permitted under rigorous cleaning protocols.

– Beauty salons and barber shops can open at 50% of their rated capacity, by reservations only

– Auto-parts shops can operate at 50% of their capacity.

– The current vehicular restrictions will continue – You can’t drive one of the days during the week and one of the days on the weekend.

– Beaches remain closed.

– Opening of the swimming pools in a condominium complex can be under the decision of the board of directors and with sanitary protocols (no crowds, rigorous cleaning, etc.)

Maybe it is time for you to reconsider where you want to live.

Why are you not here?

Come on Down Baby!

Stay safe. Take care.

See you soon.

Michael Simons

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