What is it like to live in Costa Rica?

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Living, EX PATS in Costa Rica, FAQ's

People ask me all the time, What is it like to live in Costa Rica?

I tell them AWESOME! I live in paradise. “But don’t you miss things about the USA?” I always chuckle at that question. Miss what? Traffic, Smog, noise, snow? Bad attitudes, insane taxes, high cost of living? Daily bombardment of Politics, $20 to park my car and $9 for a Heineken? Nope I don’t miss any of that.

people that live in Costa Rica

Truthfully 70% of my life is exactly the same as yours. I go to work in the morning and work all day. I come home at night and do the same things everyone does. Watch a DVD or sporting event on TV or I go out with friends to dinner and cocktails. I walk my dogs, do some things around the house and shop at the grocery store. I go to the movies at the theatre or just relax and listen to music.

If you are tired of the beach, the city of San Jose is just 3 hours away, so it is easy to go there for a day or two and do all your shopping and enjoy some of the restaurants and nightlife of the city.  A couple of years ago a new stadium was built for the soccer team, and it has attracted some of the biggest music artists in the world, so I no longer miss out on my favorite concerts. Even Aerosmith was here in Costa Rica this past year. What a show.

So you see, 70% of the time, the way I live in Costa Rica is about the same as life anywhere else. It’s the other 30% that makes my life BETTER than yours. I wake up and watch the sunrise over the mountain range, while monkeys and parrots howl and sing in my backyard. I have breakfast everyday on the beach watching the waves crash, eating the freshest fruit and the best eggs you have ever tasted. I have lunch at a different beach drinking a cold beer or a Margarita and having a bowl of ceviche that was literally caught just a few hours earlier. I have Happy Hour cocktails with my friends while watching the sunset over the ocean and then enjoy a nice Lobster dinner or a plate of Mahi Mahi, Red Snapper or Tuna. On my days off, I am scuba diving, surfing, fishing, playing golf or tennis.

Sometimes I just get in my truck and take off exploring for a few days. There are thousands of spectacular places to visit in this gorgeous country. Water falls. Mud baths. Hot Springs. Volcanoes. Private beaches. Crocodile rivers. Old Indian towns. Huge lakes. Horse Parades. Bull fights. Old Spanish festivals. Whale watching. Bird watching. I LOVE IT.

I have a fulltime maid Lorena who does everything, including cleaning windows and ironing my underwear. I have my live in worker Pablo who takes care of my entire property so I don’t have to. He washes my cars and my dogs, mows the lawn, tends to my garden, cleans the pool and does general handyman stuff. All of this I used to have to do myself back in the USA because it was too expensive to hire someone, but not here in Costa Rica. Do I miss some things about the USA? Nothing that a Skype call can’t fix. You know it takes me less time to fly back to Colorado to visit my family from Costa Rica than it did from Miami where I lived before. Yet it seems they are always flying here to visit me, just like my friends do.

When I am missing something, like a live sporting event, I just jump a plane, go back for a couple days and get it out of my system.  Usually by the 3rd day I am so fed up with the stress of the USA I can’t wait to get home to Costa Rica and get back to work.  And let’s face facts, my work isn’t all that rough. My job consists of driving really cool people around, telling them what a spectacular place it is to live here in Costa Rica while drinking cocktails all day looking at gorgeous homes and condos.  Rough.  My clients are all fantastic people with different background but they all have one thing in common.  They want to live in paradise. They want to live in Costa Rica.

Hope you can join us.

Let me help you find your little piece of paradise!

Michael D Simons
Co Owner/Broker
Email Michael@tanktopsflipflops.com
Office 011-506-2672-4100
Cell    011-506-8812-2242


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